In Sihuapan they grow tobacco and make cigars. So, we stopped to by some. Just kidding! We stopped because as we had driven by several times we noticed this little cigar stand across the highway from the cigar factory. We also noticed that they sold cigars in wooden boxes. That is what we wanted. Cool cigar boxes from Los Tuxtlas. So we stopped.
The little handicapped guy on his ATV told us he would sell the boxes without the cigars. They were handmade. (So were the cigars.) They had burned into the lids something about San Andres Tuxtla. He sold us the wooden boxes. One was 60 and the other 45 pesos. Do the arithmetic. That is a good deal. We told the missionaries about the boxes and they went there a couple of days later. He wouldn´t sell to them. Maybe they were underage. Or maybe he got in trouble for selling boxes and not cigars.
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