
Actually, it is not for 1000 days. It is just that 3 years times 365 days plus June 27 through June 30, 2008 equals 1098 days, and that is way too cumbersome to convert into a blog headline. Futhermore, our release date will not be determined until May or June of 2011. Therefore, 1000 Days sounded just about right, more or less. Having noted all that, we are humbled and thrilled (Pres. Uchtdorf would refer to the feeling as "joyfully overwhelmed") about having this marvelous opportunity to serve in La Mision Mexico Veracruz.

Con amor,
Pdte. y Hna. Pete and JoElla Hansen

Thursday, May 13, 2010

A really fun tradition Mexicans have takes place on El Día de los Reyes, King's Day, which is January 4th. That is the day someone decided the wisemen from the east visited the Christchild. It is a the day that Mexicans give gifts to their children. They don't really do that on Christmas. It is also the last day of Christmas holiday drinking, and the day when we eat la rosca. The word means "twisted roll" and the practical translation means a delicious, not-too-sweet breadroll. They put little plastic babies inside. Someone cuts the cake and the person receiving the piece gets to determine the size of his piece. He who gets a plastic baby is responsible to provide the family or group with homemade tamales a month later on February 2nd, Groundhog Day where you and I live.

Two plastic babies is more than one. I lost. The office elders voted for Costco Pizza instead of tamales.

The missionaries in the first picture are Elders Collins, Norcross, Sosa, Cifuentes, Brandt, Del Rincon, Hernandez L.

1 comment:

Becca said...

that's a good pouty I know where my kids get it ;)