Don't you love these smiley guys! I decided to tack on a letter from Elder Kohlieber, from Simi Valley, CA, which describes the events leading up to the baptism.
"I've got a neat story that I want to tell you. Last Thursday we were feeling a little bummed out cause we hadn't had much success in the past 3 weeks. We felt inspired to look at the area book to see if there were anyone that we could baptize for the last week of February. We picked out ten names. We separated these names from the rest of the names in the area book, we prayed for insight to see which of these persons had been prepared by the Lord to accept a baptismal date. After a few moments of listening and meditation, the both of us had the distinct impression to go and visit Roberto.
"Later that day upon arriving at the house of Roberto, we found him in his bed sick with the flu. He received us with a big smile and said 'I don’t know why, but for the past couple of days I´ve been thinking about you guys.' We smiled back, introduced ourselves [Roberto had been taught earlier by two other missionaries], reviewed a little bit of the Restoration, and there on the spot invited him to be baptized. He said yes, and that he really liked the church when the last elders had invited him but the only reason he didn't accept the baptismal invitation with the previous elders was because his current job didn't have a schedule and that he often worked on Sundays. The interesting thing is that since he got sick he hadn't been able to work, and that his boss got tired of waiting for him to get better so he fired him. Without anything to impede him from going to church he accepted the invitation, was baptized soon after.
"Roberto is super excited about his conversion and about the church, he has invited the rest of his family to listen to the missionaries and is really looking forward to entering into the temple house of the Lord, too. I'm really grateful for the opportunity I have to be here in the mission, for the unique opportunity I have as a missionary to invite people to be baptized and make the first step towards the celestial kingdom, and for all the blessing I've received from my Heavenly Father including this very special refferal from the Lord."
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