
Actually, it is not for 1000 days. It is just that 3 years times 365 days plus June 27 through June 30, 2008 equals 1098 days, and that is way too cumbersome to convert into a blog headline. Futhermore, our release date will not be determined until May or June of 2011. Therefore, 1000 Days sounded just about right, more or less. Having noted all that, we are humbled and thrilled (Pres. Uchtdorf would refer to the feeling as "joyfully overwhelmed") about having this marvelous opportunity to serve in La Mision Mexico Veracruz.

Con amor,
Pdte. y Hna. Pete and JoElla Hansen

Thursday, March 10, 2011

All day long and every night, Mom does this. She talks with sick missionaries, two-thirds of them in Spanish, about eveything from headaches to hemmorrhoids, rashes and diarrhea (the most common), athlete's foot and ingrown toenails, bug bites, dog bites, scorpion bites, monkey bites (only once, so far), and scabies, vertigo, migraines, glasses needed, toothaches, lost fillings, root canal needed, broken bones, sprained ankles, blisters, and plantar's warts, sore throats, colds, strep throat, and blood poisoning (just once so far), gastritis, conjunctivitus, home sickness-itis, and just this week for the first time, chicken pox. She is quite the little general practitioner. It was a lot easier to treat the ills before Mexico recently passed a law that you have to have a prescription to get antibiotics. Bummer.

Can't you just hear her saying, "Pobrecito"-- "Poor baby."


Grandma Hall said...

Sounds familiar! It seems like that's all we do. But we just want the missionaries all safe and healthy. Love to see what you guys are up too, Thanks for being such wonderful examples. Love you.

President and Sister Hall

Clay & Amy Hansen said...

A prescription for antibiotics? Gee, so now you have to get the doctor involved. That slows things down, I'll bet.