This shows a family named Miros with Elders Ostler from Eagle Mountain, Utah and Elder Sifuentes at a place called Tres Chorros, Three (Abundant) Streams in the township of Sihuapan. They were walking along the streets of Sihuapan in the Los Tuxtlas District. Elders Ricks and Sifuentes contacted them on the street and asked if they could come by to share a gospel message. They said that they were Catholics, but that the missionaries could come by anyhow.
The elders went to their very humble home and taught them about the apostasy and the Restoration. The Spirit was strong. The missionaries invited them to church the next day. Hno. Miros said that he really appreciated what they had been taught and that it made sense to him. But, he said that they are very poor. Hno. Miros makes and sells ice cream out of a push cart. Sunday is his biggest sales day, by far. Elder Sifuentes, the junior companion, opened his mouth. Elder Ricks later told me that he didn't know where it came from, that which Elder Sifuentes said, but that he felt the power of it. Elder Sifuentes promised Hno. Miros that if he came to church the next day with his familly, that the Lord would double his sales.
The casa de oración is at least a 20 minute walk from the Miros' home. They came to church on that Sunday, on their own. They stayed. They loved it.
Elder Ricks was transferred two days later. Elder Ostler replaced him. Three weeks after that the Miros family was baptized at this beautiful spot. The ice cream sales? "The Lord has provided," Hno. Miros smiles.
Shortly after Hno. Miros was baptized he was ordained an elder and is currently a very strong second counselor in the Sihuapan Branch Presidency.
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