
Actually, it is not for 1000 days. It is just that 3 years times 365 days plus June 27 through June 30, 2008 equals 1098 days, and that is way too cumbersome to convert into a blog headline. Futhermore, our release date will not be determined until May or June of 2011. Therefore, 1000 Days sounded just about right, more or less. Having noted all that, we are humbled and thrilled (Pres. Uchtdorf would refer to the feeling as "joyfully overwhelmed") about having this marvelous opportunity to serve in La Mision Mexico Veracruz.

Con amor,
Pdte. y Hna. Pete and JoElla Hansen

Thursday, December 2, 2010

This letter is from Sis. Flores, an amazing sister missionary who doesn't know how to quit. She comes from Mexico City, has lived in the USA (legally), works and works, believes and does--a great missionary. She is the one on the right in the foto. This picture was taken with her new missionary, Sis. Carrizales, who had 10 days in the field that day. This is her letter.

This week was great, we found an Escogido¡¡
La semana pasada, el sábado para ser precisos, soñe con Carlitos y su bautismo, algo que se me hizo muy raro fue que vi a un señor de edad, también vestido de blanco, tomandose la foto con Carlitos, se me hizo raro porque busque enntre el repertorio de investigadores y no había nadie con esas características, Se me hizo muy raro ese sueño y estuve meditando mucho al respecto, sin embargo, esa duda se despejó el miércoles, ya que al llegar por error a una casa, aprovechamos para contactar al dueño, y HE AHI EL VIEJITO DE MIS SUEÑOS¡¡¡¡¡ JAJAJAJA se escucho chistoso¡¡¡¡
El es un escogido, se llama MArcos y se bautizará, es genial, a pesar de su edad el lee muy bien, el respondio a todas nuestras preguntas de verificacion, puso mucha atencion y adquirió un testimonio, nos acompaño este domingo a la Iglesia y hasta fue a casa de su hija a enseñarle del Libro de Mormon, me parece tan genial que en tan solo 4 dias el haya podido hacer tanto, y más a su edad, tiene 64 años¡ Es bien bueno y claro¡¡¡ Asi que ya estamos trabajando duro con eso¡¡¡ Y más contra el enemigo, tenemos a DIos de nuestro lado¡¡¡ Y no importa cuanto esfuerzo requiera, lo haremos¡¡¡¡¡ Y estamos bien animadas por eso¡¡¡

Les amo mucho
Hna Flowers"

"Hello! This weef was great. We found a 'chosen.'
Last week, Saturday to be exact, I dreamed of a man and his baptism. Something which I thought was really weird was that I saw a senior citizen, and that he was dressed in white, and we were taking a picture with him. It was strange because I began to look through our area book and there was no one matching his characteristics. [The man was not yet in teaching.] The dream was odd to me and I pondered it a lot. Nevertheless, the dream was cleared up on Wednesday. By error, we went to a wrong house looking for someone so we contacted the landlord and there I saw the 'old man' of my dreams!!! Ha, Ha! That sounds funny, huh? He is one of the chosen and his name is Marcos. He will be baptized. It is really great and in spite of his age he reads really well. He listens closely, answers all of our questions, and has aquired a testimony. He went to church with us on Sunday and after we went to his daughter's house to teach her of the Book of Mormon. It is really amazing that in just four days he has done so much, especially considering his age because he is 64! He is so sharp! [This should be giving all you senior citizens hope.] We are working hard at this and even more against the enemy. We have God at our side! It doesn't matter how much effort this will take, we will do it! We are really excited."

I just wish we could get these Mexican guys to quit looking so dang happy about their baptisms.

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