Elder Brito is from Ecuador. He has been in the field for six weeks and three days. He is shown in this picture with his trainer, Elder Peña. On July 26th Elder Brito wrote:
"Elder Rojas esta sirviendo en la mision mexico-cuernavaca... el fue mi compañero en CCM... pues... Elder Rojas es el unico mkiembro de la iglesia de su familia..sus hermanos estan enojados.... su papá no quiere escucharnos... pero la mamá... ha progresado mucho... muchisimo... al principio... sentia nostalgia y tenia mucha tristeza.. por su hijo ,Elder Rojas, tanto asi q lloro.. en la 1ra visita... luego al conocerla un poco mas la visitamos por 2da ves en esta ocacion fue totalmente diferente enseñamos... pusimos fecha para este 31, q leyera el libro de mormon... y pues la 3ra visita verificamos si leyo el libro de mormon.. y pues si lo hizo... desde la 1ra visita hasta hoy lunes el cambio ha sido abismal.. esta muy feliz... hemos enseñado... las lecciones 1.2.3 y mandamientos... asisitio las 2 veces a la iglesia.. entiende Y comprende el libro de mormon.. y !ESTA SEMANA SE BAUTIZA¡"
"Elder Rojas is serving in the Mexico Cuernavaca Mission. He was my companion in the MTC. Elder Rojas is the only member of the Church in his family. His brothers are mad at him. His dad doesn't want to listen to us. But the mamá, she has really progessed, a really lot. At the beginning she felt nostalgic and was very sad for her son, Elder Rojas. She cried so much in the first visit. Later we came to know her a little better in the second visit and this time she was totally different. We taught her and invited her to be baptized on July 31st and asked that she read the Book of Mormon. In the third visit we verified that she is reading the Book of Mormon. The change in her from the first to the third visit is something very humbling. She is very happy. We have taught her lessons 1,2,and 3 and the commandments. She has been to church twice. She understands the Book of Mormon and this week she will be baptized!"
Sis. Rojas was baptized on July 31st. Another miracle.
Sis. Rojas was baptized in a bautistrito in the Veracruz North Zone. Two married couple were baptized along with Sis Rojas. The missionaries are Sisters Carrizales and Flores, and Elders Ahlstrom, Pena, Melchor, Luna, Gutierrez Luna, and Brito.
Click on the photo to enlarge it and see some beautiful people in white.
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