You will love this story. Elders Villalobos and Chavez had been teaching the younger lady in white. The home, which is in Ciudad Mendoza, was small. As is sometimes the case, there was a room divider separating a common area from a sleeping area. The divider in this case was a blanket. Unbeknownst to them, the lady in the wheelchair was sitting behind the blanket listening to the lessons which were being taught to her granddaughter. They finished teaching all the lessons to the younger lady. Together they made the plans for her baptism. As they were about to leave and much to their surprise, the lady in the wheelchair wheeled past the curtain and into the other part of the small home She said, "I have been listening. I would like to join your church. I have learned that baptism is required. May I be baptized?" A couple of weeks later, she was.
We love Mexico.
Hey FAmilia Hansen! Did you get my last little comment on your post? I can't remember which one it is. but if you could Email me that would be great! I was an Elder leaving the mission when you guys first came in--my name is Bridger Frampton
my email is I am working at the MTC and have some elders who are headed your way! please write me! thanks!
What a great story! I guess there is something to be said for blanket room dividers.
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